About Us

Sustainably Breathing New Life into the History of Wood
The seed of creativity behind Creations by Will began in the early years of the last decade of the 20th Century when William Waters, the ‘Will’ behind Creations by Will, was just a boy. Growing up in the Palm Springs area of Southern California, Will literally had the 165,300 square mile Joshua Tree National Park, as his back yard. He spent his days exploring the desert hills and canyons, sharing the beauty of the geology with the coyote, scorpions, rattlesnakes, tarantulas, and other creatures great and small. Ironically, the Southern California desert is not known for its forests. Nevertheless, a strong love of nature was born. As a teenager, he also lived in Northern California where he studied natural resource management and worked as a biological advisor and wilderness ranger for state and local agencies. His focus was watershed restoration and trail planning/construction. He was tasked with caring for the trees and forest in or near the regions waterways and planning trail projects deep in the mountains. It was here that his appreciation of the forest with its many Varieties of trees truly began to flourish. ”I experienced the forest – the different plants and trees – on a level much more intimate than most people ever know,” Will says. “I learned to read and understand the history of the tree and the area in which it grew because its entire story is written in the bark of a tree and in the fiber of its wood.” Today, that knowledge guides the artistic expression evident in the unique creations shared by Creations by Will. Whether working with reclaimed wood, exotic wood, or wood carefully excised from a diseased tree in the wild. Creations by Will sustainably breathes new life into the natural history of wood from around the world.
CBW started in 2014, Just before the arrival of his son Liam. It was a hobby during downtime while actively serving in the US Navy. A release, or escape from the stressors of the world and at work and form of mediation that brings back fond memories of working in the shop with his grandparents as a child and early adulthood, working in the conservation corps and water agency and as a wild-land trail ranger.
Soon after the birth of his son Will started accepting commissioned work and by the requests He received from numerous people online the beginning of CBW brand was created. Each item on this site was created from the collaboration of skills acquired over a lifetime of practice and the imagination of the clients. Will takes great pride in being the person you can come to to create the products you are dreaming of and has spent his lifetime learning the skills implemented into his work today. Will continues to expand that knowledge and applies new techniques in every new piece he creates and is continuously working to refine his skills to better serve you
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Use the contact form below for custom order inquires or general questions.